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RCMSA Executive and Board of Directors extend their thanks to those members who showed their for the Association by participating in the 2025 Annual General Meeting .Your engagement and input are greatly appreciated and contribute to the continued growth and success of our Association. / Le comité exécutif et le conseil d’administration de l’ ASSRC remercient les membres qui ont manifesté leur attachement à l’association en participant à l’assemblée générale annuelle de 2025Votre engagement et vos contributions sont grandement appréciés et contribuent à la croissance et au succès continus de notre Association..


  1. Reichwein Baldwin

    My father-in-law, the late Dr. Harvey F. Sutherland, from Sydney, Cape Breton, served in the Canadian Armed Forces as a physician during WWII. His family is seeking access to public records to confirm where and how he served as a medical professional. Can the association assist us?

    Baldwin Reichwein,
    Edmonton, Alberta.

    • Wayne Dauphinee

      Unfortunately WWII personnel records have not been release for public access by Library and Archives Canada. That said, it wouldn’t hurt to contact Library and Archives Canada with a personal request


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