The Military Museums, Calgary, presented an exhibit titled “Blood, Sweat and Tears: Canadian Military Medicine” which ran from October 20, 2023, until March 3, 2024. The exhibit dedicated to Canada’s military services and those who have served reflected the period from the 1885 “North-West Rebellion” to the “Russia-Ukraine War”. The exhibit was made possible through the generousity of private and institutional lenders across the country.

While the exhibit was well attended it was unfortunate that many more interested Canadian were unable to make the pilgrimage to Calgary.  Informal discussion has been initiated with a view to creating a transportable exhibit with as many items which were on display. In the meantime, an album of significant portions of the exhibit has assembled and will grow as more images become available. Click here to view the Blood. Sweat  and Tears album – unfortunately the exhibit was presented in English only

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