The RCMSA has undertaken or financially supported the following projects:

  • Conducted a design competition and produced the 2019 Commemorative Coin
  • Provided financial support for regional RCMSA events
  • Creation of RCMSA Educational Bursary for deserving RCMSA members and or a member of their immediate family[1].
  • Presented framed print of HMHS Llandovery Castle to CFHSG HQ on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the ships sinking
  • Provided financial support for the film production of “The Ramp Ceremony” in memory of the RCMS’s Afghanistan fallen.
  • Provided financial support for a Heritage Ontario plaque honouring Col Darby Bergin Canada’s first Surgeon General.
  • Purchase a Canadian Military Medical Services Memorial brick inscribed: “We Will Remember Them / Nous nous souviendrons d’eux” with the association logo or title in English and French
  • Provided financial support for a Royal Canadian Artillery – Royal Canadian Medical Service memorial statue honouring Lt Col John McCrea author of the poem In Flanders Fields
  • Created the RCMS Association Top Student Award QL6A Medical Technician Course
  • Produced RCMSA Commemorative Coin
  • Provided financial support through the Defence Medical Association (DMA) Legacy Trust in support of the Colonel in Chief’s visit and Royal Banner presentation.
  • Established the RCMS Association website and Facebook page
  • Negotiated the acquisition, with funds from the DMA Legacy Trust, of the original commissioning scroll of Surgeon Lieutenant and later Surgeon Commodore Archie McCallum, first CO of the Stadacona Naval Hospital and the first Medical Director-Genera (Navy). Financial support was also provided for appropriate framing and identification plaque before a formal presentation to the CO of CFHS Centre (Atlantic) for display in the building named in honour of Cmdre McCallum.

[1] Immediate family comprises a spouse or live-in partner, his or her dependent children including adopted children still living at home and or engaged in full-time studies and who are under 22 years of age and who don’t have a spouse or live-in partner.

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