RCMSA General Donations

Member ApplicationMember Renewal

Royal Canadian Medical Service Association


The RCMSA is dependant on financial support from the community to carryout its mission to support the RCMS Family. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

Donations may be made by:

Interac e-Transfers to secretariat@royalcdnmedicalsvc.ca

Cheque to
Royal Canadian Medical Service Association
2214 Sunset Cove Circle
Ottawa ON K2J 0T9

L’ ASSRC est dépendant du soutien financier de la communauté pour mener à bien sa mission de soutien de la famille SSRC. Votre générosité sera grandement appréciée.

Les dons peuvent être faits par:


Virements électroniques Interac à secretariat@royalcdnmedicalsvc.ca

Chèque à
Association du service de santé royal canadien
2214 Sunset Cove Circle
Ottawa ON K2J 0T9


Atlantic Region Chapter

Good news! Your RCMSA Board of Directors   has approved the inauguration of a Regional Representative   for the Atlantic Region. This starts a new chapter in the history of the RCMSA. For all members in the region or those posted to the region, Rod...


RCMSA Executive and Board of Directors extend their thanks to those members who showed their for the Association by participating in the 2025 Annual General Meeting .Your engagement and input are greatly appreciated and contribute to the continued growth and success...

Acute Care Team Training

Texte francais suite Service in the RCN as a healthcare provider requires the knowledge of many subspecialties in medicine. One of the areas that has been neglected in the past is critical care medicine. To address this vital gap, the Pacific Fleet Medical Support...


The RCMSA BoD and members extend our best wishes and support to Team Canada foe their efforts in making Canada proud /Le conseil d'administration et les membres de l'ASSRC adressent leurs meilleurs vœux et leur soutien à l'équipe canadienne pour les efforts qu'elle...


The RCMSA congratulates the following RCMS members on their appointment to the Order of Military Merit in the grade indicated / L'ASSRC félicite les membres du personnel du SSRC suivants pour leur nomination dans l'Ordre du...

Conference / Conférence

Join us at the Warrior Care Conference 5-6 February 2025 where distinguished speakers will share their insights on supporting ill and injured military personnel and veterans. This is a unique chance to learn about leading-edge research and best practices in...

The RCMSA Executive and Board of Directors wishes one and all a Christmas filled with merriment and a New Year filled with good health, happiness, peace and prosperity. L'exécutif et le conseil d'administration de l' ASSRC souhaitent à tous et à chacun un Noël rempli...

Renew / Renouveler

It’s that time of year when ask members to renew their RCMSA membership for another year. As I’m sure you appreciate, annual membership dues ($20/year) are the association’s primary source of income to fund current programs and undertake new initiatives. C'est le...